माना तेरे दीवाने को आता कुछ भी नही ,
यह क्या कम है कि तेरा नाम लेते ही दीवाना हुआ !
This mad man admits he doesn't know anything ,
But is this anything less , that by taking your name
he went mad !
Wandering into this world of melodrama and drama the soul soon plays around , losing himself in it. Sometimes , he is esctastic and sometimes he is heartbroken . The different vagaries of life soon take their toll and a joyful life turns miserable . Who will help him ? Who will understand his misery and who will put him out of it ?
That is when the Guru appears ! He understands and he will help him ! He knows him inside out and he has been following him through countless births and he will be with him in other births too ! And that is when the man breaks out in song . And that
song is of bliss - one that is both beyond mere happiness and sadness !