गुरु ने जिसे अपनी शरण में ले ही लीया, वह तो मौके ढूंढता रहता है झूमने के लिए. धीरे धीरे उसके सुख और दुःख समान होने लगते हैं. वह तो हमेशा उनका धन्यवाद करता रहता है. अपने गुरु की बात निकले, तो वह गर्वित हो उठता है. जो समझ न पाएँ, उनपर वह जताता तो नहीं; पर जब मस्ती छलक जाए तो वह रोक नहीं पाता। आज नहीं तो कल वह तो नाच ही उठता है. उसका भी मन करता है की वह कैसे दुनिया के डर को छोड़ दे और खड़ा हो जाए और नाचे अपने गुरु के सामने। यही उसके धन्यवाद करने का तरीका समझता है.
उसके गीतों में भाव छलकने लगते हैं; उसकी प्रार्थना तो एक ही होती है अपने गुरुदेवजीसे : बस अभी अभी तो झूमने लगा हूँ. खबर नहीं पिछले जनम कैसे गए हों, अब तो आ गया हूँ.बस गुरुदेव आप यह मेरी स्थिति बनाए रखना।
That man who has been taken under shelter by the Guru, that man looks for opportunities to show his joy. Slowly and slowly, his joys and sorrows begin to become one. He always keeps on thanking his mentor. Whenever people talk of his Guru, his heart fills with pride. He doesn't tell to people who will not understand, but when the ecstasy pours out in him, he cannot stop himself. Today or tomorrow he will dance.His heart wants to stop fearing the world and get the courage to stand up and dance in front of his Guru! It is his way of saying thanks. His songs show his heart's feelings of gratitude. There is only one prayer he makes to his preceptor : It is only now I have come to dance. I do not know how many lifetimes I may have wasted, but now that I have come to you, please keep me in this state forever!
That man who has been taken under shelter by the Guru, that man looks for opportunities to show his joy. Slowly and slowly, his joys and sorrows begin to become one. He always keeps on thanking his mentor. Whenever people talk of his Guru, his heart fills with pride. He doesn't tell to people who will not understand, but when the ecstasy pours out in him, he cannot stop himself. Today or tomorrow he will dance.His heart wants to stop fearing the world and get the courage to stand up and dance in front of his Guru! It is his way of saying thanks. His songs show his heart's feelings of gratitude. There is only one prayer he makes to his preceptor : It is only now I have come to dance. I do not know how many lifetimes I may have wasted, but now that I have come to you, please keep me in this state forever!