Thursday, 12 November 2015

जो सुने हैं तेरे जलवों के किस्से 
कोई मेहबूब तुझसा  नहीं है.
आशिकी जो की है हमने तुझसे 
अब चेहरे से नज़र हटती नहीं है. 

Whatever stories that I have heard of You

No lover is like You.

The way I have loved You,

I cannot remove my eye from Your face. 


Monday, 9 November 2015




Harminder Sahib

Saturday, 17 October 2015

"केशवा , माधवा , तुझा नामाच रे गोड्वा 
तुझा नामच  रे गोड्वा "

 नदी काठी संत बसले , नदी काठी संत बसले 
लोकांचे सर्व अश्रू केले , माधवा 
केशवा , माधवा  , तुझा नामाच रे गोडवा . 

नदी काठी संत बसले, नदी काठी संत बसले 
नाम जपतो तुझा एकमना , केशवा,
माधवा ,  तुझा नामाच रे गोडवा . 

चंद्र शीतल , चांदणे शीतल 
रूप तुझे लावण्या , केशवा 
माधवा , तुझे नामाच रे गोडवा 


"Keshava, Madhava, Your name is so sweet
Your name is so sweet."

The saints sit on the river banks
the saints sit on the river banks
The listeners are lost in tears, Madhava
Keshava, Madhava, Your name is so sweet.

The saints sit on the river banks
The saints sit on the river banks
And chant your name with one heart, Keshava
Madhava, Your name is so sweet.

{Like} the serene moon, and its serene moonbeams
{ Like } the  serene  moon, and  its  serene  moonbeams
Your form is so beautiful, Keshava,
Madhava, Your name is so sweet.


Keshava, Madhava _ names of Lord Krishna.


At the lotus feet of my Guru Swami Rajendraji Maharaj


Thursday, 8 October 2015

तेरे दरबार में आके मैंने, सिर जो झुका लिया

सर क्या झुकाया था की नहीं, की तुझको पा  लिया,

अब पा लिया  है तुझको, चला जाऊँ  मैं कहाँ?

दिल यह कहता है की, अपना डेरा बना लूं यहाँ।

I came to Your court and bowed my head,

The instant I bowed my head, I found You,

Now I have found You, where do I go?

My heart says, make here your resting place.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

I had no destination,

But I kept finding His footsteps.

I had my fight with  the world,

But Khuda {He} did not stop being merciful.

One day I called to Him,

So, He answered:

"I am"

My head went down by itself,

And I drowned in that reply of His.

......Today, it has been ages since,

I still keep on fighting the world,

Whatever principles I still have left with me,

I still keep on falling from them,

But still:

If unwittingly, something good still happens by me

He keeps on showing me His presence, somehow or other,

That, becomes my only aid.

And I start writing whatever words  that occur to me

That is my only joy,

And the Word, given to me by my Guru,

Only that One Name {Ram} helps me reclaim my balance.


Placed at the lotus feet of my Guru

                                                                                                          ..... Devidas

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

मेरी कोई मंजिल थी नहीं,

पर उनके क़दमों के निशान मिलते गए। 

दुनिया से मेरी लड़ाई थी,

मगर ख़ुदा ने रहम करना नहीं छोड़ा। 

 एक दिन मैंने पुकारा,

तो उन्होंने आवाज़  दी ;

" मैं हूँ "

 सर गया झुक मेरा अपने आप ही,

 और मैं डूब गया उनकी उस सदा में । 

…… आज इक अरसा  हुआ है, 

दुनिया से अब भी मैं लड़ता हूँ,

जो  थोड़े बहुत आदर्श रह गए हैं,

 उनसे कई बार गिर भी जाता हूँ ;

पर फिर भी,

 कभी भूले से कोई अच्छा काम हो जाए, 

 वह अपनी झलक कहीं न कहीं दिखा देते हैं,

वही इक मेरा सहारा बन जाता है।

और मैं तुक बेतुक लिखने लग जाता हूँ

वही मेरी ख़ुशी है,

 और मेरे गुरु का दिया हुआ,

बस इक राम नाम ही सम्भाल लेता है मुझे।


गुरु चरणों में अर्पित। .... 

.... देवीदास कृत।

Wednesday, 2 September 2015


Darbare Aulia, I have come at Your door,
I was heading to somewhere else, I have come at Your door.

The way that I took to travel, I had no idea of the destination
Which way the direction lead to, I had no idea of that too
Now the turn that I have met on this travels of mine
Has brought me to You, and I have realized the  destination too.

Darbare Aulia, I have come at Your door,
I was heading to somewhere else, I have come to your door.

I had no certainty of what I have found today,
What haven't I not lost, and what haven't I not found, 
Now whatever comes in the way, I will not be afraid
Now whatever You will provide, that will be my sustenance.

Darbare Aulia, I have come at Your door,
I was heading to somewhere else, I have come at Your door.

---------------At Gurudev's feet.



Darbare Aulia = Emperor of the 
Aulia = Emperor of the saints.{Sufi term}.

English translation of the previous post.

दरबारे औलिआ तेरे दर पे आ गया हूँ, 
जाना तो कहीं और था,तेरे दर पे आ गया  हूँ. 

जिस राह पर चल रहा था, मंझिल की खबर थी नहीं
जिस और जो चल रहा थ. उसका भी न था कोई  गुमां  
अब ईस मेरे सफर में जो मोड़ आ गया है, 
लाया है मुझको तुम तक , मंझिल का भी पता चल गया  है.

दरबारे औलिआ, तेर दर पे आ गया हूँ 
जाना था कहीं और था, तेरे दर पे आ गया हुँ. 

इसका न यक़ीन था मुझे , जो आज पा गया हूँ,
क्या क्या न मैंने खोया, क्या क्या मैं पा गया हूँ  
अब सफर मैं जो भी आये, उसका न कोई डर है,
अब जो भी तू दिलाये, उसमे मेरी बसर है 

दरबारे औलिआ , तेर दर पे आ गया हूँ,
जाना तो कहीं और था, तेरे दर पे आ गया हुँ. 

---------------------गुरु चरणों में.
----------------------------------------------देवीदास क्रत. 

Monday, 24 August 2015

जब मैं होता हूँ,
तब, तुम नहीं होते.
जब तुम होते हो,
मैं नहीं होता हूँ!

When I am,
ThenYou are not there,
When you are there,
I do not exist!

Sunday, 16 August 2015

मैं अपने मतलब से जीता हूँ,                                                   I live for my own benefits,
तुम अपने मतलब से चलाते हो,                                             You make me work according to Your                                                                                                       wishes,
तुम्हारे मतलब में मेरा मतलब छुपा है!                                   In your wishes are my benefits!

जब सही राह से डगमगा जाता हूँ,                                           When I divert from the true path,
तब अपनी राह ले आते हो,                                                     Then You bring me on  Your track,
मुझे मेरी राह मिले न मिले,                                                    I may or may not find my way,
तेरी राह भली लगती है!                                                          I learn to like Your way!
फिर अपनी राह की चिंता कौन करे?                                        Then why should one worry for one's                                                                                                        way?

जब दुःख से गिर जाता हूँ,                                                        When I am surrounded by sadness,
तब सारी राहें तुम्हारी ओर  ले जाती हैं,                                     Then all paths lead to You,
फिर भवसागर से कौन लड़े,                                                      Then why should {I} fight the Sea  of                                                                                                       Troubles,
तर जाऊं तो भी पार हूँ                                                              If I swim across, I will reach the other         ....                                                                                            shore                                                           ....                                                                                           ...
डूब जाऊं तो भी पार हूँ!                                                            If I sink , I am still across on the other         ...                                                                                             side.
…                                                                                         ...
…                                                                                         ...
…                                                                                         ...
…                                                                                         ...
क्योंकि तेरा नाम तो आधार है!                                                Because, Your Name is the strength {that
                                                                                             ferries me across}!


Tuesday, 11 August 2015

ख़ुद को मिटा दो,                                                                    Annihilate yourself,
जब ख़ुदी न रहता है                                                                When your ego does not remain,
तब खुदा का आना होता है,                                                      Then is the coming of  God,
आँखें नम हो जाती हैं,                                                             The eyes moisten, 
आसूंओं की धाराएं बहती हैं,                                                     Streams of tears flow out,  
गला  भरे न भरे,                                                                     The throat may or may not tighten,
रोंगटे ख़ड़े हों न हों,                                                                 Your hairs may or may not stand up,
पर वह कहता है तुमसे बेज़ुबान_                                              But He speaks to you without tongue
और तुम भी जवाब में बेजुबान कहते हो।                                  And you also answer Him likewise.                                                                                                        

थोड़ी सी झलक दिखाता है वह,                                                He shows you a little of His Nature,
और इशारा भी करता है,                                                          And also gives you a sign,
और तुम्हारी दुनिया बदलने लगती है                                       And your world begins to change
फ़िर मुर्शिद के आने पर !                                                         When your Teacher arrives!

और.. और.. तुम  भी ख़ुशी से झूमने लगते हो                   also start to dance in joy
_" कृपा करो महाराज, मोईनोदिने _                                         _"Bless {me}, My Lord, Moinoddine_
कृपा करो महाराज! "                                                              Bless {me} My Lord !"

Moinoddin_ The sufi saint, Hazrat Moinoddin Chishti Of Ajmer, by whose blessings, the Mughal Emperor Humayun got his son, Akbar.

Maharaj _ Emperor , Lord .

At the lotus feet of my Guru Swami  Rajendraji Maharaj!

Thursday, 6 August 2015

                                                 तेरे प्यार में हम तो हो गए दीवाने, 

                                                 तुम ने तो जाना, पर हम नही जाने  !

                                                I have gone mad in your love,

                                                You have known this,
                                                But I did not know!


Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The Full Moon rises on Gurupurnima Day


The day when the disciples all come together to pay homage to the Guru, who is their sole benefactor, guide, mentor, teacher and friend on earth. They consider themselves lucky to have found Him,(and indeed they are; this is without any doubt), and they celebrate that day and night in celebration. This day is also known as Vyasa Purnima, in reverence to Rishi Ved Vyasa, the sage who wrote the Mahabharata.

Friday, 24 July 2015

जो आप न मिलते , तो हम न होते

यहाँ भी न होते  , वहां भी न होते !

If I hadn't met You , I wouldn't have been

Neither I would have been here,

Nor would I have been there!

The saints you meet gladden your heart,
And the way they go, one day you too shall depart
Then why do you cry for companions that part?

The saints teach you that all you see is One,
And you have gained that experience with that One,
Then why do you cry for this life humdrum?

The Gita puts to you the question, for what do you worry,
For what do you worry, and for what do you cry,
You read the Gita and yet not believe,
What can be more tragic, you say the Lord's words decieve!


Sunday, 19 July 2015

Sunday, 12 July 2015

मेरे  संगीने  जुर्म  तेरे  दर  पर  ले  आये  हैं

कहीं  भी  राहते मुझे   ठिकाना  ना   मिला , 

अब  तुम  तो  ना कहना , की  चले  जाओ

मेरे  दर से ,यहाँ तेरे लिए कोई ठिकाना नहीं है !

My horrifying crimes have brought me to Your door,

I  couldn't find a place of rest anywhere,

Now at least You don't tell me to go away

From  my  door , for you there is no place of rest here !

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

गुरु न मिलते तो कौन राह दिखाता ?

क्यों न कहूँ , मेरी दुनिया गुरु से है  !

If had I not found {my} Guru,

{Then} who would have shown me the way ?

Why shouldn't I say my world is because

of my Guru ?


The classic definition of the GURU is Gu+Ru, where Gu is called darkness, and Ru is the light which dispels the darkness.This darkness is the ignorance, of the world around him, that surrounds the man. This world which man thinks is real, is not real. The Guru knows by the knowledge that He has, that it is so, and so can teach the man the reality. Hence Guru is called the dispeller of darkness. Guru is not the man that you see in front of you but is the Guru principle that resides in the man.

The Guru has by his own efforts reached the elevation with God. He knows the scriptures, and well knows the pitfalls on the path of the man, who wants to follow in His steps. There is no man more compassionate than the Guru. He is above par, above the mother and the father. And that is why men revere Him as the Gods that reside in Him for, by His actions He plays the role of the Hindu Trinity: He creates, He preserves and He destroys. He creates the new path on which His disciple may tread, He preserves the good that is in His disciples, and He destroys the evil tendencies of His disciple, if the disciple but follow His words.

 Lastly, He lets His disciple know that He can show Him the path, but by his own efforts will the disciple reach the goal. For He has tasted the sugar candy, and the disciple can only know the taste of it, if he takes it in his own mouth.


जो प्रेम का रसिया है  ,_

उसके लिए क्या प्रेमी , क्या खुदा !

वह तो कभी प्रेमी को खुदा बनाये ,

 कभी खुदा को मेहबूब कहे !

The man who loves , _

For him what is his love , and what is God !

He sometimes makes his beloved , God !

And sometimes calls God , his Beloved !

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

गुरुवर  मेरे , मैं गुरु का ,

मेरी औकात कुछ भी नहीं .

जो  मेरे गुरु की औकात ,

वह मेरी औकात , कैसे कहूँ ?

बस वह मेरे हैं , मेरे लिए

इतना ही काफी है !

   The Guru is mine , I am my Guru's

I am nothing before Him .

What my Guru's worth is ,

Is my worth , how can I say ?

Enough , He is mine

For me that is enough  !

Thursday, 25 June 2015

जो  भी  होता  है , तेरी  मर्जी  से  होता  है
मैं  बेवकूफ  कहता  हूँ  मैंने  किया  !

Whatever happens, happens

Because You will it so.

Fool that I am, I say I did.

If you want to know God, first seek a Guru,

On the contrary, who can seek the Master?

The Master will call to  you

 when the right moment arrives.

So first prepare your heart to receive the Master!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

यह तो खुदा तेरी मेहेरबानी  है 

वर्ना हम आदमी थे किस काम के ?

Lord it is your grace upon me

For when was I man enough?    


Lord,grant me courage, resourcefulness,initiative and knowledge of my field. Grant me prosperity,and wealth in body, mind and soul. Lead me into your happiness and your kingdom. For this help me purify myself, for alone I cannot. Grant me the boon of love and affection and care for my family.Grant me wisdom and strength and in the last the ability to laugh at myself, for I know how much I am a misfit.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

बड़े  भाग्य  होते  हैं उसके,
 जिसे कोई तेरी याद दिलाता है,,
जीवन सुधारने को
  तेरे दर पे लाता

That man is of good fortune
who is made to remember You ,
and to remake his life,
is brought to your door !

Lord, I asked,
 who am I?
Why was I made to live and die?
Said He_
Man, you are unto me a part,
My own, of my own body
You have my faith. 
Keep that! Why fear then?
Fear not!
Respect my words
I am thyself,
Thou art Me!
For when things come to pass
You have my hand to steady thee
So take my hand,
And one day, you will stand with me,
And will know the truth for yourself!

Monday, 18 May 2015

गीत :

मैं दो दिन का मेहमान, मेरे दिन रैना हैं चार 

तू दो दिन का मेहमान, तेरे  दिन और रैना चार !

Song :

I am a guest of two days, my days and nights are four

You are a guest of two days, your days and nights are four !


"In all sacred  books and vedic texts, the Guru is most respected. In the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bhagwadgita, the Upanishads, the Guru Granth;- he is most revered. And Kabir, therefore bows to him first, when he comes to see the Lord, the first time!  The Lord Supreme,_ the Lord of All, the Lord of everything that we know and that we know not; and that which is beyond our eye and our   understanding. If there were no Guru, who would make us realize the One that is present, but not seen. Bow at the lotus feet of the Guru. He is the One that keeps on telling you again and again 500 times ' Ram ka naam lo', 'Ram ka naam lo', 'Ram ka naam lo'! Otherwise how would you?

A father was showing his son a crow. The little fellow pointed at the crow: 'What is it?' 'It is a crow,' said the father. After some time the boy  pointed again,'What is that?' 'That is a crow,' said the father. After some time, the boy said,"What is that?' 'It's a crow, son,' said the father again. And so it went, 'What, what, what.............' and the father answered every time with patience and with sweetness,'That's a crow,boy'.

One day after many, many years when the father grew old and weak of eye, he told his grownup son, 'What is it?' ' It's a crow, Father', said the boy. After some time the father said to the son, 'What is it, son?' The son said ,'That's a crow.' Again after some time , the father said,' What is that, son?' The son got a little irritated. ' Father, it is a crow.' 'Oh!', said the father. and then again he pointed to the sitting crow and said, 'Son, what is that?' The son lost his temper,' Father how many times I will tell you, It's a crow, Father?' The Father said, "Oh!' and kept quiet for some time. Then he said to his son ,'Don't get angry, son. Remember when you were little, how many times I answered  your question . Look, here I wrote down in a book,_ 500 times.' The son was ashamed. And so should we be!The Guru tells us time and time again, "Ram ka naam lo' and that's how we understand that we should be grateful to the Lord, for all He has given us and to the Guru, who is the incarnation of the Lord himself.' 

_______An excerpt from Amritwani, the discourse of my Guru, Dr. Swami Rajendraji Maharaj, on 18th November, 2001.


Tuesday, 5 May 2015

मैं,  मैं  नहीं  मैं ; तू , तू  नहीं  तू

तू  ही  है  मैं,  मैं  ही  हूँ  तू!

I, I am not I; You, you are not You

You are yourself me: I am myself You !

Thou art the times past of cultures spent
and civilizations fallen.
Thou, the god of ritual and rites,
the forms of Kali and Thoth Ammon,
the trans-muter of souls ever thirsting.
Stand I before thee? I can't,
For I am but your form
I am Death , yourself!

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

माना  तेरे  दीवाने  को आता  कुछ  भी  नही ,

यह  क्या  कम  है  कि  तेरा  नाम  लेते  ही  दीवाना  हुआ  !

This mad  man admits he doesn't know anything ,

But is this anything less , that  by taking your name

he went mad !                                                                       

Wandering into this world of melodrama and  drama the soul soon plays around , losing himself in  it. Sometimes ,  he is esctastic and sometimes he is heartbroken . The different vagaries of life soon take their toll and a joyful life turns miserable . Who will help him ?  Who will understand his misery and who will put him out of it ?

That is when the Guru appears !  He understands and he will help him ! He knows him inside out and he has been following him  through countless births and he will be with him in other births too !   And that is when the man breaks out in song . And that
 song is of bliss - one that is both beyond  mere happiness and sadness !


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Lord, give me the strength and courage
to do my daily work,
in the best way possible;
the conviction in my work;
the zest and the zeal to put in it.
Also give me my daily bread,
with a sense of humor 
and a twinkle in my eye!

प्रभुजी आओ मेरे द्वारे, 
हृदय सिंहासन  राज करो, 
मैं तुमको निहारा करूँ, 
तुम मुझको निहारा करो !

Lord, come to my door,
Rule over my heart's throne,
Let me look at you,
You look to me!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

तू  मेरा  है , मैं तेरा हूँ ,
बाक़ी , सब नज़र का धोखा है!

You are mine, I am yours
Rest everything is illusion!

Gurudev Dr. Swami Rajendraji Maharaj

Friday, 10 April 2015

"हमने ढुंढा तुझे कहाँ कहाँ
हम भटक रहे यहाँ वहाँ "

"Wherever didn't we search for you
We wander here and there"

Say the sages: Whither goes thou in the outer world?That is a living mirage.Seek inside and you will find Him within!

Sunday, 5 April 2015


क्यों  नहीं  जात  हरी  पथ ,
काहे  होत  अधीर ,
अरे  मन ,  कहत  कबीर , कबीर

Why do you not tread,
the path of God (Hari),
Why stay unstable,
O mind,thus says Kabir.

We are extremely lucky to walk on the path shown by our Sadguru Swami Satyanandji Maharaj. He made it easy for even a householder to tread the way on the path which even yogis find it difficult to walk and reach the goal of life! Today on April 4 and 5 of 2015, we celebrate his birthday which falls on the same as Hanuman!

Monday, 30 March 2015

Of Kali, so little we know,
greatest of all goddesses,
majestic queen of all.

When she rumbles,the earth quakes;
goddess fearful, goddess of fear,
yet with Shiva, so compassionate
and redeemer of souls.
जहाँ जहाँ जाऊँ मैं, उधर तू ही तू है,
यह तेरी नज़र,मेरी आरज़ू है।

Wherever I go, you are there
To be in your sight, is my desire.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


यह  ईनायत है आपकी जो मैं  यहां तक आ पहुँचा, गुरुवर,वर्ना क़ाबिलियत थी कहाँ मुझमें !

It is by your grace, I have reached here,my Teacher, for where was the worthiness to reach?